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Council Chambers
271 Sandwich Street South, Amherstburg, ON, N9V 2A5
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(Public Council Meeting Agenda Items)

We will begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations (comprising the Ojibway, the Odawa, and the Potawatomie Peoples), and of the Huron-Wendat and Wyandot Peoples. We recognize the land as an expression of gratitude to those whose traditional territory we reside on, and a way of honouring the Indigenous people who have been living and thriving on the land since time immemorial. We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations and all of the Original Peoples of Turtle Island.

  • That the minutes BE ADOPTED and that those confidential minutes of the closed sessions of Council remain confidential and restricted from public disclosure in accordance with exemptions provided in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:

  • It is recommended that:

    1. By-law 2025-007, being a By-law to provide for an interim tax levy in default BE TAKEN as having been read three times and passed and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the same thereto.
  • It is recommended that:

    1. The 2025 Operating Budget BE ADOPTED and the 2025 total own purposes tax levy of $33,746,556 including $32,281,600 general levy and $1,464,956 special capital levy, BE APPROVED; and,

    2. The 2025 5 year Capital Budget BE ADOPTED, with $13,555,200 in capital projects for 2025 BE APPROVED, with expenditures in years 2026 to 2029 approved in principal; and

    3. Administration REPORT BACK with a Final Levy By-law for adoption of the 2025 tax rates, based on the approved 2025 own purposes tax levy and tax policy updates approved by County Council.
  • It is recommended that:

    1. The amendments to the TCA Policy BE ADOPTED and are effective for fiscal year 2024.
  • It is recommended that:

    1. The amendment to the Investment Policy BE ADOPTED in accordance with the report of January 13, 2025.
  • It is recommended that:

    1. The purchase of a Single Axle Dump Truck with Plow and Salter BE AWARDED to Viking Cives Ltd. in an amount not to exceed $372,192.29 inclusive of HST;

    2. The over-expenditure of $52,192.29 BE FUNDED from the 0065 - Fleet Reserve;

    3. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Viking Cives Ltd. for the purchase of a Single Axle Dump Truck with Plow and Salter.;

  • It is recommended that:

    1. The Chief Administrative Officer and Clerk, or their designates, BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with D`Amore Construction (2000) Ltd in the amount of $3,647,824 (excluding HST), to complete the George Street and Seymour Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement, subject to approval of technical content by the Director of Infrastructure Services and to financial content by the Director of Corporate Services/Chief Financial Officer, or designates.

  • It is recommended that:

    1. A total project budget of $16,405,964, inclusive of non-recoverable HST, BE APPROVED for the Amherstburg Water Treatment Plant Reservoir Upgrade and Redundancy Protection Project (AWTP) (#722007) and;
    2. Funding of $2,242,700 in the Urban Road Rehabilitation Program (RDS-002-23), approved in principle for 2026, BE RESCINDED and the $942,700 in General Reserve (0400) funding for this project to being reallocated as follows;
      1. ENV-003-23 in 2026 for $500,000 and
      2. RDS-004-23 in 2026 for $400,000 and
      3. Remaining $42,700 remain in the General Reserve (0400)

    3. The funding shortfall for the AWTP project (#722007) of $5,773,464 BE APPROVED as follows:
      1. 2025 Development Charge Water Reserve (0126) in the amount of $1,900,000;
      2. 2026 Development Charge Highway Reserve (0123) in the amount of $1,630,764;
      3. 2026 OCIF (0625) funding previously identified for the Urban Road Rehabilitation (RDS-002-23) in the amount of $1,300,000;
      4. 2026 OCIF (0625) funding previously identified for Mill and Pave Program (RDS-004-23) in the amount of $400,000;
      5. 2026 OCIF (0625) funding previously identified for the Sanitary Sewer Upgrades and Replacements (ENV-003-23) project in the amount of $500,000 and
      6. 2025 OCIF (0625) funding current in the reserve in the amount of $42,700

    4. Administration BE DIRECTED to set up a repayment schedule for the use of $1,630,764 from the DC Highway (0123) reserve for the ATWP project with said repayment to be in accordance with the Development Charges Act, and the funding source for the repayment to be from Water DC’s collected in future years, ensuring such repayment does not aversely impact planned capital projects and;

    5. Council AUTHORIZE the Chief Administrative Officer and Clerk to execute an agreement with Amico Design Build Inc., to complete the Amherstburg Water Treatment Plant Reservoir Upgrade and Redundancy Protection Project (#722007) as outlined in the tender documents in the amount of $15,181,875.00 plus HST, subject to approval of content by the Director of Infrastructure Services and to financial content by the Director of Corporate Services/Chief Financial Officer.
  • It is recommended that:

    1. The request from Royal Canadian Legion Fort Malden Branch 157 for the honourary naming of Dalhousie Street from Richmond Street to Gore Street as Veterans Way BE APPROVED.
  • It is recommended that:

    1. The request from Amherstburg Freedom Museum for the honourary naming of King Street from Simcoe Street to Gore Street as Mac Simpson Way BE APPROVED.
  • It is recommended that:

    1.The report of January 27, 2025, titled Summary of Site Plan Control Applications Since September 23, 2024 BE RECEIVED for information.

  • It is recommended that:

    1. The report BE RECEIVED for information.
  • It is recommended that:

    1. The report dated November 7th, 2024 regarding the User Fee for Temporary Patio Extension on Municipal property BE RECEIVED; and,

    2. Administration BE DIRECTED to update the User Fee By-law to include a User Fee for Temporary Patio Extensions on Municipal Property.

  • It is recommended that:

    1. The Libro Credit Union Centre location BE NOMINATED for consideration by the County of Essex for hosting the 2025 County of Essex Accessibility Fest-for-All; and,
    2. Administration BE DIRECTED to assist the County of Essex with required elements of planning and hosting the 2025 County of Essex Accessibility Fest-for-All.
  • It is recommended that:

    1. The report from the Manager of Licensing and Enforcement dated December 16th, 2024 regarding BE RECEIVED;

    2. By-law 2025-001 being a By-law to regulate signs and other advertising devices in the Town of Amherstburg be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same; and,

    3. By-law 2006-26 BE REPEALED.

    1. The Drainage Board Meeting Minutes of January 7, 2025 BE RECEIVED;
    2. The engineer’s report, prepared by R. Dobbin Engineering Inc. dated November 13, 2024 for the improvements to the 4th Concession Road Drain BE RECEIVED; and Council PROVISIONALLY ADOPT By-law 2025-003 which appends the engineer’s report for the improvements to the 4th Concession Road Drain by giving first and second reading and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same; as recommended by the Drainage Board;
    3. The engineer’s report, prepared by R. Dobbin Engineering Inc. dated November 21, 2024 for the improvements to the Pike Road Drain East BE RECEIVED; and Council PROVISIONALLY ADOPT By-law 2025-004 which appends the engineer’s report for the improvements to the Pike Road Drain East by giving first and second reading and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same; as recommended by the Drainage Board;
    4. The engineer’s report, prepared by R. Dobbin Engineering Inc. dated December 4, 2024 for the improvements to the Rebidoux Drain BE RECEIVED; and Council PROVISIONALLY ADOPT By-law 2025-005 which appends the engineer’s report for the improvements to the Rebidoux Drain by giving first and second reading and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same; as recommended by the Drainage Board; and
    5. The engineer’s letter of opinion, prepared by R. Dobbin Engineering Inc. dated November 20, 2024 for the improvements to the Shipman Drain (2024) BE RECEIVED by Council; as recommended by the Drainage Board.
  • That the Economic Development Advisory Committee RECOMMEND that Council request that County Council pause or reverse their decision to cut the budget to Invest Windsor Essex and the Town of Amherstburg.


  • By-law 2025-006 being a by-law to Confirm all Resolutions of the Municipal Council Meetings held on the January 27, 2025 be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.

  • That Council rise and adjourn at      p.m.

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