Electronic Meeting
Public Participation via Livestream

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(Public Council Meeting Agenda Items)

We will begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations (comprising the Ojibway, the Odawa, and the Potawatomie Peoples), and of the Huron-Wendat and Wyandot Peoples. We recognize the land as an expression of gratitude to those whose traditional territory we reside on, and a way of honouring the Indigenous people who have been living and thriving on the land since time immemorial. We value the significant historical and contemporary contributions of local and regional First Nations and all of the Original Peoples of Turtle Island. 

  • That the minutes BE ADOPTED and that those confidential minutes of the closed sessions of Council remain confidential and restricted from public disclosure in accordance with exemptions provided in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act:

Presentation to follow.

  • It is recommended that:

    1. The 2022 Operating Budget BE TABLED for consideration and adoption after budget deliberations are complete.
  • It is recommended that:

    1. The changes in fees and charges for the 2022 User Fees By-law BE APPROVED as outlined in the report; and, By-law 2022-001 being a by-law to Establish User Fees or Charges for Services, Activities or the Use of Property be taken as having been read 3 times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
  • It is recommended that:

    1. A rain barrel pilot program BE APPROVED; and,

    2. That $6500 BE ADDED to the 2022 draft budget for the purchase of 100 rain barrels for resale under the Public Works budget centre, miscellaneous expense to be funded from taxation, offset by the proceeds from resale.
  • It is recommended that:

    1. The recommendations contained in the Service Delivery Review of October 2020 BE ACCEPTED;
    2. A Compensation Plan Review currently underway for 2022 BE ACKNOWLEDGED;
    3. The revised Organization Chart for the Town of Amherstburg BE APPROVED;
    4. The above noted recommendations being advanced within the current budget allocations BE ACKNOWLEDGED; and,
    5. The CAO BE DIRECTED to report back to Council in Q2 2022 on the progress of these recommendations and related recruitment.
  • It is recommended that:

    1. The From Vision to Results report on the 2021 Accomplishments of the Town of Amherstburg BE RECEIVED by Council for information.

There are no reports.

  • That the following information reports BE RECEIVED:

  • That:

    1. The Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2021 BE RECEIVED; and,
    2. Council SUPPORT and ADVOCATE to the Province of Ontario the need to locate an urgent care facility in the Town of Amherstburg that is open on a 24 hour basis. 


  • It is recommended that:

    1. By-law 2022-003 being a by-law to Confirm all Resolutions of the Municipal Council Meeting held on January 10, 2022, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
  • That Council rise and adjourn at      p.m.